Women's Beauty Blog

Women's beauty and diet magazine

Cream for mixed skin types

Mixed skin type is common. It is better known to us as a combined type. Such skin has a completely healthy appearance and oily areas with pores.


What makes a woman look younger

Today you can meet a woman “without age” not only on the stage or in the cinema, but also in everyday life: in transport, on the street, at work ... Smooth elastic skin, no wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, a slender toned body - time has no power over them . How do they do it? We'll rage.


Why are we getting fat? Reason for weight gain

Your body has smart systems to know how much to eat. But it cannot cope with constant overeating. In light of the growing obesity epidemic, it is important to understand what exactly makes us gain weight. The number of obese people has more than doubled since 1980, and in 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight, according to the World Health Organization.


Miniskirt in your wardrobe

Once upon a time, only easily accessible ladies could afford short skirts, as well as those representatives of the fair half who had perfect legs. Please note that today skirts that slightly cover panties have already sunk into oblivion. You can buy any styles of miniskirts that look very stylish and not so vulgar. Next, consider the intricacies of choosing a short skirt, with what to wear it.


Fashion trend of spring 2015: denim total look

The practical style of the 70s is back in fashion, which means that denim will be the main highlight of this spring. The catwalks have already successfully presented flared jeans and loose shirts. Now it's the turn of fashionistas to try on all the unusual combinations of clothes from this stylish material. But how to combine denim things in the right way?


Circular facelift

A circular facelift, or rhytidectomy, is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery today, the purpose of which is to restore skin elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and sagging, wrinkles around the lips and nose, as well as other signs of aging. Such an operation is performed by removing excess fatty tissue and tightening a group of facial muscles in such a way as to redistribute the skin. With the help of such an operation, you can rejuvenate your appearance by 5 to 10 years. That is why the circular lift is so popular. Modern cosmetology has been practicing this method of rejuvenation for several decades.


How to choose a hairstyle?

If you are going to change the image, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. You need to start with the most important thing - with a hairstyle. Hair is the pride of every girl. They are always in sight, so they will not go unnoticed.


Zucchini diet

People are constantly struggling with excess weight, which spoils their figure, because everyone wants to have a perfect and attractive body. Unfortunately, too fast a way of life and the presence of a large number of bad habits in the modern world only contribute to an increase in extra pounds. To avoid such a phenomenon as obesity, it is worth thinking about the possibility of losing weight.


Wedding dress for a skinny bride

The bride should always resemble a princess from a fairy tale. In this case, it is worth choosing the right style of dress. For girls with a thin physique, it is worth buying the outfit that will highlight the advantages of the figure. What styles can be advised to slender and thin brides?


Autumn makeup

So that the autumn slush does not smear your plans with floating makeup, you just need to know a few tricks.



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