Fashion headbands and headbands for hair 2016

For a girl, her well-groomed and attractive appearance is of great importance, which largely depends on a neat hairstyle. This year, hairstyles with hair gathered and removed from the face are considered especially stylish. In order not to use standard hairpins and elastic bands, hair can be removed with a bandage and headband, which will allow you to create the most feminine and elegant hairstyle.

Stylists and fashion designers who develop hair accessories have created a large number of fashionable novelties that will certainly appeal to every woman.

This year, headbands and headbands with flowers or their image turned out to be at the peak of fashion. Such accessories give the girl sophistication and elegance. It is best to choose jewelry with the most realistic flowers, which can be located both over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rim or headband, and on one side. For brave and extraordinary girls, we created accessories with two identical flowers located in parallel.

A bow is considered quite a stylish decorative element this season. As for hair accessories, they can contain bows of any color and texture. A headband or headband with several small or one large bow will look good. It is best to choose an accessory with a bow parallel to the face. The fabric can be satin or silk, plain or colored.

Jeweled headbands and headbands that will sparkle and ennoble the look deserve special attention this season. When using such jewelry, any hairstyle will become refined and feminine. In this case, even simply loose hair framed by such an accessory will look very beautiful. Stones can be arranged in various compositions and have any color.

Lovers of gold and Greek style may like hair accessories made in the style of Greek goddesses. Such headbands and headbands should have a gilded color and be complemented by brooches or flowers. They may be twisted or flat. The choice depends on the preferences and taste of the girl who will pick up the jewelry. For girls who do not like noticeable and catchy hair accessories, you can choose inconspicuous, plain and thin headbands and headbands. They will pick up the hair, and create a beautiful sophisticated hairstyle without drawing attention to the curls.

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