
What should you eat to lose weight?

For some, this question will seem strange. After all, everyone believes that in order to lose weight you need to eat as little as possible. But this is a mistake, diets and hunger negatively affect not only health. When fasting, metabolic processes in the body slow down, the body gets rid of fat much more slowly. To lose weight and stay healthy, you need to balance your diet. You need to know which foods should be excluded from the diet, and which ones should be leaned on.


72 Hour Liver Detox Diet

Our liver has an amazing ability to self-cleanse and regenerate. However, alcohol, nicotine and junk food significantly pollute the liver, preventing it from working in full mode.


banana milk diet

When a female representative wants to have a beautiful figure, she can do anything. However, there are nutritional systems that should not be observed for too long. Such diets can be followed if you need to lose only a couple of kilograms. Nutritionists call them mono-diets. One such food system is the banana and milk diet. Such a diet is quite nutritious and satisfying, but if the female representative, after stopping it, eats the same way as before, then all her efforts will be useless, since the lost kilograms will soon return.


Ten reasons to love vegetables

Vegetables are our everything, they are ideal: few calories, many useful vitamins. Beauties who adhere to proper nutrition can eat them without fear with almost no restrictions. But an ideal relationship with greenery does not develop immediately. We will help you fall in love with vegetables, because there are ten reasons for this.


How to lose weight without counting calories

If you're really ready to change your life, open a new tab and search the search engine: "Healthy Eating Pyramid, One Serving Size." From a huge number of options, choose the one that suits you best. You will learn, for example, that one serving of cereals is half a glass of porridge, a quarter of a glass of muesli, or 35 g of bread. One serving of vegetables - half a glass of chopped vegetables or a glass of greens. Thus, the picture becomes somewhat clearer.


Kumis what is it

Kumis has been known to mankind since ancient times. Koumiss was "invented" by the nomadic peoples of the southeastern part of present-day Russia and Central Asia. Nomads who made koumiss kept the secret of its preparation in the strictest confidence, and those who divulged the secret were blinded.


Genodiet - a hit among diets

The geno diet is very popular in the USA. Every season, the media offers new diets that should lead to weight loss, improved appearance and good mood. Today, doctors are promoting the geno diet.


Milk - good or bad?

The topic of the dangers of milk has become very popular in recent years, meanwhile, milk has played an important role in the nutrition of mankind from the first days of life. Is a valuable natural drink beneficial or harmful? Consider the contradictions and draw conclusions.


Should You Use Botox?

Modern women often decide to regain their former youth with Botox injections. This drug is surrounded by a variety of rumors. Next, consider all the "cons" and "pros" that relate to the use of Botox.


Lose weight with the blueberry diet

The blueberry diet is a seasonal diet. After all, it is in July and August that it is so easy to enjoy juicy and ripe blueberries, which have great benefits for the human body. Blueberries contain flavonoids that improve memory, and blueberries are also good for vision, and it is not in vain that many corresponding vitamins have been created on its basis.



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