Ten reasons to love vegetables

Vegetables are our everything, they are ideal: few calories, many useful vitamins. Beauties who adhere to proper nutrition can eat them without fear with almost no restrictions. But an ideal relationship with greenery does not develop immediately. We will help you fall in love with vegetables, because there are ten reasons for this.

1. Vegetables nourish the human body with a mass of useful substances.
2. Reduce the risk of malignant tumors and heart disease.
3. Coarse vegetable fibers improve the functioning of the stomach and remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body.
4. Vegetables help to lose weight and maintain weight, because they are low in calories.
One handful contains only twenty-five - forty kcal. 5. They lack fat and cholesterol.
6. Vegetables and greens allow you to minimize the amount of salt consumed.
Which subsequently helps to normalize blood pressure. 7. Vegetables are a great help in normalizing sugar levels and managing hunger.
After all, they are rich in slowly absorbed carbohydrates. 8. Vitamin C is a companion of most vegetables, improves tone and immunity.
9. Vegetables are a great snack.
10. Greens and vegetables allow you to reduce the calorie content of the dish without sacrificing taste. Add a couple of handfuls to any dish, its calorie content will immediately decrease by 20-30%

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