What should you eat to lose weight?

For some, this question will seem strange. After all, everyone believes that in order to lose weight you need to eat as little as possible. But this is a mistake, diets and hunger negatively affect not only health. When fasting, metabolic processes in the body slow down, the body gets rid of fat much more slowly. To lose weight and stay healthy, you need to balance your diet. You need to know which foods should be excluded from the diet, and which ones should be leaned on.

1. Water. Water is the most important component of any diet. When the body is dehydrated, metabolism is disturbed and fat is reluctantly removed. In ordinary water there are no calories, no dyes, no gas, and this is why it is useful. In addition, a glass of plain water helps to partially satisfy the feeling of hunger.

2. Green tea. Green tea speeds up metabolic processes in the body and removes toxins. Drink at least 5 cups of green tea without sugar per day.

3. Soups. The first courses, if they are cooked on low-fat meat, are less high-calorie and much healthier than second courses. Soups should be eaten every day, but it is better to eat soups without carbohydrate foods, such as pasta and potatoes. If such a soup seems insatiable, then you can eat it with bread or with a small piece of rye bread.

4. Proteins. Proteins form the basis of a proper and balanced diet. For weight loss, you need to eat only lean meat (poultry and fish), legumes, dairy products and eggs. These products are very healthy, tasty and satisfying.

5. Vegetables. Vegetables are indispensable for those who want to lose weight. Cabbage, carrots, asparagus, celery, greens, peppers, beans, beets, peppers and tomatoes are especially useful. From these vegetables, the body receives fewer calories than it takes to digest them. And the fiber found in vegetables is very useful and contributes to a long feeling of satiety.

6. Fruits. A fruit plate can easily replace any dessert in terms of taste. For weight loss, it is best to consume citrus fruits, pineapples, raspberries and papaya.

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