How to lose weight without giving up sweets

Many people cannot imagine their life without sweets. But sweets are the very reason for gaining excess weight, right? That is how it is. However, this statement will be true only if sweets are consumed in unlimited quantities.

As mentioned earlier, the main thing is to know the measure. This is the only sure way to lose weight, using absolutely any diet. If a person does not know the measure, then it will be difficult for him to lose excess weight even on kefir or on another mono-diet. Therefore, you can still eat sweets in moderation. The main task is to determine the strict amount of sweets that you allow yourself. For example, 2-3 sweets a day. However, you need to clearly understand that more than 50 grams per day of chocolate or cookies is already too much.

The thing is that 50 grams of chocolate is half a chocolate bar. The calorie content of a whole bar is about 600 calories. Thus, 50 grams is approximately 300 calories. If a person wants to quickly lose weight, then he needs to consume 600-800 calories per day. However, this method is not very efficient. After such a diet, the weight usually returns within a week. The most optimal and correct option is 1000 calories per day.

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