What is Jaboticaba?

Jaboticaba is an exotic tall (up to 12 meters) evergreen tree that grows mainly in Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Argentina. Jaboticaba is notable for the fact that its trunk and branches are sprinkled with small white flowers and fruits.

Jaboticaba fruits are usually round or elliptical in shape and taste like grapes. The pulp of the fruit is more like a jelly with two or three seeds, and the surface of the fruit is glossy, maroon or purple.

Juices, wines, non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks are usually made from jaboticaba fruits (jaboticaba fruits begin to ferment very quickly). Preserves, jams, marmalade, jaboticaba jelly are also popular.

In addition, South Americans actively use the properties of Jaboticaba for medicinal purposes. A decoction is made from the dried peel of the jaboticaba fruit, which is very effective in combating asthma, cough, bronchitis, diarrhea and dysentery, and the jaboticaba berries are good for inflammation of the tonsils. In addition, the Jaboticaba fruit contains natural substances that prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.

As such, there are no contraindications to the use of jaboticaba berries, but if you are trying these fruits for the first time, you should first eat a small amount of berries - in order to identify individual intolerance. It should also be remembered that there are toxins in the peel of berries, so it is undesirable to eat it.

Jaboticaba has two main disadvantages: the plant is very slow growing (it is believed that it takes a hundred years for the jaboticaba to bear fruit), and the fruits are not actually stored, so if you want to treat someone to jaboticaba berries, know what you have for it's only a few hours.

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