How to lose weight without counting calories

If you're really ready to change your life, open a new tab and search the search engine: "Healthy Eating Pyramid, One Serving Size." From a huge number of options, choose the one that suits you best. You will learn, for example, that one serving of cereals is half a glass of porridge, a quarter of a glass of muesli, or 35 g of bread. One serving of vegetables - half a glass of chopped vegetables or a glass of greens. Thus, the picture becomes somewhat clearer.

So what happens in practice? If you break the food into 4 meals, then one meal must include: 1-2 servings of cereals, 1 part of vegetables, 0.5-1 servings of fruits. Dairy and protein are used limitedly, 1-2 times a day. It is also recommended to limit potatoes to a maximum of 1 serving per day (and a serving, mind you, is one small potato!).

Now we transform the theoretical calculations into an approximate daily menu. Instead of the usual bun with sausage for breakfast, we get half a glass of porridge, the same amount of grated carrots, half an apple and our favorite coffee, and to it - a crispbread with a spoonful of jam. For lunch, we take a portion of salad with vegetable oil or without dressing, a portion of buckwheat, a piece of fish or chicken breast and fruit of your choice. For an afternoon snack (or for a second breakfast, as you like) - half a glass of cottage cheese, half an orange and crispbread. For dinner - half a glass or a glass of stewed vegetables, an omelet and a slice of bread. Isn't it different from the usual menu for many?

By learning how to count portions according to the proposed system, you will quickly acquire the skill of creating your own menu that fully meets your tastes and needs. At first, it may be convenient to keep a record, noting the number of servings eaten in the categories "grains, vegetables, fruits" and so on. When this style of eating becomes habitual, the need for records will disappear.

If you want to lose weight, choose low-calorie foods to compose your diet: low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, low-fat fish, chicken breasts, oranges instead of bananas. Everything is simple! And if you install an application on your phone that reminds you of the need to drink water, then good health and harmony will not keep you waiting.

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