How to choose a diet

Although losing weight through diets is quite drastic, sometimes it is the diet that helps to achieve the best result. Diet, in fact, limiting oneself to food according to some specific criteria or signs. Its difference from proper nutrition lies in the fact that the main emphasis in the choice of products is not on cleansing and natural fat loss in the body, but on rapid weight loss, which, as a rule, comes at the expense of muscle and water loss. Such a system is not very useful for the body, but the extra pounds will go away quickly.

Before you start choosing a diet, you need to decide on its type. Diets are strict and non-strict. On strict diets, you can eat 700-1300 kcal per day, which is small and does not cover the body's expenses at all. Non-strict diets are softer, you can eat more on them, but often the result is worse than on strict diets.

Next, you need to decide on the duration. The diet can last an arbitrary number of days, but it is better to decide its duration in advance. The best option is a 7-day diet.

The next important point is to take into account personal preferences and personal tolerance. Before you go on the same apple diet, you need to clearly know if there is an allergy to apples. If there are health problems, then consultation with a specialist is required.

These are the main criteria for choosing a diet. Even though diet is not the best option for solving problems with excess weight, many women have become self-confident after such a will workout, because it is very difficult not to eat something extra. Of course, the priority is to consult a nutritionist, who, after a series of tests, will also create a personal diet based on personal indicators.

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