How to stay healthy in winter

Many people in the winter are constantly pursued by various diseases. Why do we get sick more often in cold weather, how to maintain health in winter? The body, as you know, does not receive the amount of vitamins it needs, which means that its protective abilities are reduced. Infections penetrate quite easily, and diseases sometimes occur with complications. In warm weather, it is much easier for us to lead an active lifestyle, we consume more vitamins, and we eat less fatty foods than in winter. In addition, we have no motivation to go to training and pools. When the daylight becomes long, we go to nature more often and with pleasure, and when it is cold outside, the energy and desire disappear somewhere. As a result, good mood is replaced by apathy.

We need health at any time of the year, so we must try to avoid feeling unwell. Diseases take a lot of strength, physical and moral. To avoid catching the virus, wash your hands often and use wet wipes, especially if you often have to be in crowded places. A strong immune system will help protect against viruses, so try to maintain it with proper nutrition and drinking regimen. Get vaccinated to avoid getting the flu. If you take care of your health, then in any case you will get sick less often.

Sport not only accompanies the strengthening of the immune system, but also helps not to fall into depression. Go to the gym or exercise at home. Don't give up on your winter hobbies: skiing, skating and Nordic walking. Deteriorates mood and well-being lack of sunlight. If there is not enough real sun, then make up for the lack of artificial lighting. Open the curtains in the morning, turn on more lights in the evening. In good weather, try to walk more, especially in the evenings, so that your sleep is strong and calm.

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