Hot Pepper Helps Lose Weight

Physicians of the University of Wyoming have revealed the amazing property of capsaicin.
This alkaloid, found in chili peppers and hot peppers, helps to get rid of excess weight. Now obesity is becoming an epidemic. The disease is characteristic of people whose calorie expenditure does not exceed their consumption. White fat in the human body is responsible for storing energy, brown - for its consumption and maintaining body temperature. With the consumption of high-calorie foods and low physical activity, the balance is disturbed. Stocks of white fat grow, increasing the mass.

In the studies, experts used rodents, which were divided into 2 groups. One of them lacked the TRPV1 receptor, which determines sensitivity to capsaicin. The mice were given high-calorie food and capsaicin. In genetically modified animals without the TRPV1 receptor, extra pounds quickly appeared, and ordinary individuals did not experience problems. Their metabolic rate increased significantly. Capsaicin activated receptors, causing an increase in energy expenditure, which affected the weight of rodents.

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