Secrets of beautiful hair

At all times, hair was considered the main decoration of women. Shiny and thick hair with its beauty is able to attract admiring glances. But what if nature has not rewarded a woman with good and thick hair?

There are two main factors that affect hair density. The number of hairs on the head and the thickness of the hair.

Stress, illness, poor ecology, all this is reflected in women's hair, so do not neglect vitamins. Nowadays there are a great many of them. Check with your doctor which ones are right for you and try to take them regularly. Many trichologists advise paying attention to nutrition if there is a problem of hair loss. First of all, it should be balanced and varied. A woman should definitely include fruits and vegetables containing fiber in her daily diet: apples, blueberries, peaches, cabbage, carrots, legumes.

To make your hair grow thick and healthy, make masks from burdock oil, and by adding red pepper there, your hair will grow faster. Red pepper perfectly stimulates dormant hair follicles. Masks made from egg white and honey can work wonders, because protein is the main building material for tissues and cells of the human body, including hair. Honey moisturizes and nourishes, and also acts as a growth activator. Onion juice is arguably the most popular option for healthy hair growth and is also a life saver for those with dandruff problems. Many girls can be put off by an unpleasant smell, but you can easily get rid of it by rinsing your hair with vinegar and water. Very often, kefir, milk, mustard masks are used to improve hair density, it is also good to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions. It is very important to wash your hair properly. Do not do this with too hot or cold water, only warm, gently massaging the shampoo into the roots, the shampoo should be chosen specifically for your hair type. Rinse the shampoo very carefully and slowly and apply a balm or mask, remember not to the roots, only to the ends of the hair, otherwise your braids will look greasy. Allow the mask or balm to absorb, then gently and thoroughly rinse your hair. Do not immediately dry your hair with a hairdryer, wait until your hair dries slightly naturally. Too hot air of the hair dryer is very harmful.

Be attentive to your hair and remember that the key to great hair is a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, down with bad habits, Rest in nature, walk in the fresh air and you will not notice how your hair will become your main decoration.

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