What is the real harm from fast food

Being in a constant rush, we do not have time to cook normal homemade food every day. For this reason, many people are forced to eat at fast food establishments - KFC, McDonalds or the well-known shawarma stalls. Unfortunately, our children are increasingly also eating this way. So before you give your child money for another "fast food" meal, find out what's wrong with "fast food", french fries and other similar foods.

Abundance of trans fats.

Fast food adored by many people is characterized by an abundance of fat. 100 g of fried potatoes contains up to 560 calories, of which only 40% comes from the potato itself, and the rest is from fat. In turn, the same amount of boiled potatoes has only 60 calories. Speaking of fat, it is worth remembering that according to the rules of a healthy diet, you can only fry on it for one day and a certain amount of food.

Large and popular fast food chains adhere to these rules, fearing for their reputation, but many street fryers use frying oil repeatedly. During this reheating of the oil, substances are released that are harmful to our health, such as lipid peroxides, leading to atherosclerosis and even cancer.

This fat, despite being of vegetable origin, is a source of trans fatty acids. Trans fats are dangerous for our body, they act in the same way as saturated fatty acids of animal origin - they increase "bad" cholesterol and lower "good".

Lots of calories.

Fast food is very high in calories, and as we all know, an excess of calories is a direct path to overweight and obesity. Fast food is high in high glycemic starch , salt, and monosodium glutamate. And, in turn, a small amount of fiber or vitamins. Due to the lack of fiber, this food not only does not saturate, but, on the contrary, stimulates the appetite.

Most people who purchase fast food consume it with drinks containing carbonic acid. And the same Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid and caffeine, which effectively rid our body of valuable magnesium and calcium. Other sweet carbonated drinks are just as useless and high in calories.

Salt is "white death".

Fast food is made from ingredients that are raw materials that are highly processed foods that are devoid of vitamins and mineral salts that the body needs. Sometimes, fast food cafes have salads in their assortment, which we buy in the hope of healthy food. However, this does not correspond to the real state of affairs. Such salads are usually prepared long before they are served and lose many important substances. And yet, their main component is a very fatty mayonnaise sauce.

Fast food uses white, soft, baked goods baked from highly refined wheat flour. Such bread, in fact, contains only starch, sugar and salt. Unlike ordinary bread, it does not contain B vitamins and fiber, which is necessary for proper digestion of food.

The pleasant taste of fast foods is mainly due to the use of a huge amount of table salt. Excess salt is very stressful for the kidneys, and can cause swelling, and this is especially harmful for hypertensive patients.

Fast food is like a drug!

Scientists constantly warn that fast food can provoke an addictive effect, just like heroin! In rich countries, the percentage of people suffering from overweight and obesity is constantly growing. And not the last role in this process is played not only by the neglect of physical activity, but also by a huge amount of junk food. Scientists have proven the emergence of dependence on sugar and fat, which are contained in fast food.

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