Vaseline for beauty how to use it?

You can purchase it at any pharmacy. It's cheap and very useful. Vaseline was invented in 1872 and has been used in various ways since then. You will also need it, especially in daily care.

Vaseline successfully replaces milk, tonic or makeup remover. Its consistency makes this product very suitable for the make-up removal process (Vaseline is a mixture of paraffinic hydrocarbons). It can easily cope even with waterproof cosmetics - mascara or lipstick. If the lipstick is particularly strong, you can make a homemade scrub by combining petroleum jelly with a little sugar. Such a mixture will not only help you cope with waterproof cosmetics, but also improve the microcirculation of blood in the lips.

Protects the skin during hair coloring.

If you dye your hair at home, Vaseline is simply indispensable. It will help prevent paint from getting on the skin, thus saving you from difficult stains. On the scalp, this is still not so noticeable, but on the ears and on the forehead - yes. Protect the skin at the hairline with petroleum jelly and the problem of spots after dyeing will disappear. The same applies to henna dyeing of eyebrows - it is necessary to protect the area around the eyebrows so that the mixture does not fall on bare skin.

Extends the durability of perfumes.

Are you worried that the perfume you use doesn't last long on your skin? There is one recipe - the place where you are going to apply perfume must first be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Perfume will stay on the skin much longer and its fragrance will be more intense.

Softens the skin.

This is one of the oldest and most common uses for petroleum jelly. Cracked Heel Remedy - Apply a thick layer of Vaseline and put on socks. After just a few treatments, you will notice a clear improvement. Many people use petroleum jelly in the fall and winter to protect their hands from freezing temperatures. It is also recommended for people who often have to wash their hands (for example, doctors or cooks), constant use of soap can dry out their skin.

Nourishes lips.

Vaseline will successfully replace any lipstick. If you want to protect them from cracks - you can safely use it. It is especially good to use Vaseline before going to bed. It also helps when a jam occurs.

Saves hair.

Vaseline is a great product for hair ends. It softens well and protects them from delamination. If you apply some Vaseline to your hair, it reduces their fragility.

Works like a cosmetic.

With Vaseline, you can make your own beauty product. How? Pair it with powder and you've got hydrated skin and an easy-to-apply foundation. Vaseline can just as well be mixed with blush, and you get ... a lipstick that additionally moisturizes and creates a protective barrier. Vaseline is also a natural cosmetic for the skin around the eyes - the secret of Jennifer Aniston, who claims that every night she applies Vaseline to the skin in this place.

Takes care of the skin.

To make a homemade cleansing peel, it is enough to mix petroleum jelly with sea salt (recommended proportions are a tablespoon of salt to two tablespoons of petroleum jelly) or sugar (in equal proportions). This mixture will remove dead skin, smooth and moisturize. Interestingly, the skin after applying vaseline peeling does not require moisturizing with a balm. Such home peeling is also successfully suitable for facial skin care.

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