Thermal haircut - a procedure for improving hair

After dyeing or perming, the hair loses its strength.
As a rule, they become dull, their tips are split. You can help them in such a situation with the help of a procedure such as a thermal haircut. During this procedure, the master, using a special technique, examines the hair, determining which hairs need to be cut. After the diagnosis, the haircut itself is carried out, which the master performs with special scissors. Outwardly, this device looks like an ordinary hairdressing tool, but thermo-scissors work from the network, heating up to a certain temperature.

The master himself chooses the heating temperature of the tool, guided by the type of hair and their condition.

When the damaged ends are cut with hot scissors, the cut is sealed. This prevents further hair splitting.

Already the first procedure of a hot haircut gives amazing results: the hair becomes more manageable, shiny and elastic. For a complete wellness course, you need to go through 3-4 such procedures. Between these procedures, you can not cut your hair with ordinary scissors.

The results of this course of treatment are:

1. Complete elimination of the problem of split ends.

2. Strength, shine, beauty and health of hair, acceleration of their growth, increase in hair volume.

3. The suppleness and obedience of the hair.

The main disadvantage of a hot haircut is its cost, which is 3 times higher than the price of a regular haircut. However, these costs pay off, because a thermal haircut allows you to save on the purchase of caring hair balms and additional visits to the hairdresser.

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