Choosing a toothpaste

The range of products for the care of teeth and gums is quite large, so it can be difficult for us to choose a toothpaste. What do dentists recommend?

If you do not have any special problems with your teeth, then opt for a universal hygienic paste. It will freshen your breath and clean your teeth well. As for the cost of such a paste, it will cost inexpensively, since it does not contain any special (preventive or therapeutic) additives. Use the remedy twice a day daily. Dentists strongly recommend brushing your teeth for at least two minutes. In this case, one should remember about the hygiene of the internal cavity of the cheeks and the surface of the tongue. After the procedure, do not forget to use a special rinse.

Unfortunately, many of us have problems with our teeth or gums. If your gums are bleeding, then get a paste with essential oils or mint extracts. Supplements will also help you get rid of bad breath if needed. If the color of the teeth is not white enough, then use pastes with enzymes that can dissolve plaque and get rid of traces of coffee, nicotine and other coloring substances. Pastes with boroglycerin and other bioactive additives are suitable for people suffering from periodontitis and stomatitis. You can use them even during an exacerbation of the disease.

If the tooth enamel is not strong enough, then pastes with potassium salts and fluorides will help to strengthen the tooth tissues, the use of which will prevent the formation of tartar. Means with mineral components and compounds of strontium and potassium are suitable for cleaning sensitive teeth. After tooth extraction, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a decoction of mint or sage. As for the choice of pasta for a child, then pay attention to the recommendations for age. Toddlers under 6 years of age should brush their teeth with preparations with a low fluoride content. If the child is older than 6 years, then calcium and fluoride may be present in the paste purchased for him.

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