Unusual hair coloring

Today, you can dye your hair with different methods with which you can change your appearance. An interesting transformation option is coloring, screen painting, as well as “futuage”.

What is the essence of futuage? In this case, the hair is dyed in three colors. Visually, they will seem more voluminous, thick and beautiful. If you have an extravagant appearance, then take a closer look at the futuage technique. In this case, the dye is applied to each curl through stencils.

With the help of footage, you can get a textured haircut. Apply unusual patterns to your hair. This is how explosive hairstyles are created that will impress everyone around.

The stencil can also be used for coloring. In this case, the pattern is often applied to the top of the head, to the bangs, and the back of the head is also suitable. Different footage options are provided in the catalogs, which you can browse with the stylist. Choose a more unique and more subdued option.

Organic dyes are used today for coloring. They are created from natural dyes, this includes basma, ocher and linen. They are often combined. This results in bright and stylish colors. This staining technique is attractive in that you can quickly remove the pattern. Repaint in one color, if such experiments do not suit you, tired of attracting attention.

When futuage is considered your option, then you can enjoy your transformation for about a month, then it will wash off. To make the effect last longer, use a more resistant paint. Next, you will need to restore the hair that can be damaged by the hairdresser.

Futuage can be used to transform hair in its normal state. When your strands are not particularly smooth, fragile, then it is better to revive them with a mask. The pattern is better superimposed on obedient strands that shine and fit normally.

Unusual coloring - an option for split ends, curly and thin hair. Keratin straightening is an interesting procedure. In this case, the length of the hair may be different. Screen coloring is best used for long hair.

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