What not to wear on a first date

Of course, everyone understands that a person must have certain qualities, but before we can demonstrate them, they will already have time to evaluate us in appearance. Meet something by clothes! So, if the task is to make an unforgettable impression, then you will have to try to look perfect. One such vital occasion is the first date. Sometimes girls dress up for a date, as if they were ready to walk down the red carpet. And that could be a fatal mistake. Therefore, today we will talk about clothes that should not be worn on a first date.

Just starting to draw up an outfit for such an interesting event, immediately say "no" to frank things. A deep neckline is not at all suitable for this occasion, let clothes with such cutouts remain on a shelf in the closet. In the same place, leave skirts and mini-length dresses, they are able to turn your date into the last one with this man. This also applies to boots.

If your relationship is still in its infancy, then you need to approach the choice of clothes with all severity. Avoid too bright and neon shades in the set, do not dress up in T-shirts with funny applications and prints, a man wants to see a girl in front of him, not an infantile child.

Fashion oversize style you can demonstrate to your girlfriends, most men do not understand shapeless or several sizes oversized clothes on girls. They like the semi-tight silhouettes of women's things, but they don't like to guess the lines of the figure in the bag at all.

Naturally, on the first date, every young lady tries to decorate herself, but this must be done with taste. Let bright plastic bracelets and the same earrings remain in the box, a huge ring with rhinestones is also not a good option, because these things look cheap in the eyes of a man, they, as a rule, do not have much information about fashion trends. Choose classic jewelry or high-quality costume jewelry, but in accordance with age.

Your attention to fashion trends will be enthusiastically appreciated by your friends, but not by your chosen one. Wearing a pajama-like palazzo suit or a metallic bomber jacket will make you look classy, ​​but the increased attention to your mate may scare the man of your dreams.

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