Effective ways to get rid of cellulite

Getting rid of cellulite can be achieved in a short period of time.
Previously, the appearance of subcutaneous fat was not paid attention. On the contrary, dimples on the buttocks were considered sexy. Nowadays, women are trying to get rid of it. The reasons for the appearance of "orange peel" are:
- Eating disorders.
- Sedentary work.
- Minimum regular physical activity.

Cellulite usually appears on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
To detect its signs, a fold of skin should be collected. In the absence of tubercles and dimples, you can not worry about anything. If signs of such a skin condition are found, it is recommended to use a program of special procedures and cosmetic oils.

To completely get rid of cellulite, the fight against it begins at an early stage.
You need to start by reviewing the diet, giving up salty and smoked foods, confectionery, and also reduce the intake of sugar and fats. It is recommended to include vegetables and fruits as the basis of nutrition.

Another rule is the ban on eating after 18 hours. Experts advise eating an orange on the eve of sleep, and unloading once a week. Instead of rigid diets, you need to use a balanced diet.

A simple and effective anti-cellulite program.
- Morning should start with exercises, which should last about 20 minutes.
In the evening it is better to work out in warm pants. - Having done the exercises, you need to take a contrast shower (5-10 minutes).
Massage the problematic part of the skin with a jet of water. After an evening warm-up, it is recommended to massage with a special device or a hard mitten. During the procedure, use anti-cellulite products. - Use different wraps.

You can exfoliate the top layer of skin by taking a warm bath and exfoliating. A little honey is heated using a water bath, applied to the skin, wrapped in cellophane and put on warm clothes. After 40 minutes, take a shower and apply cream.

An effective remedy is coffee grounds. Add to it by tsp. honey and olive oil. The mass is applied to the heated areas of the body. Then they do a massage, wrap the body with a film, and after 30 minutes take a shower.

Wraps help to smooth the skin and make it silky.
To get rid of cellulite, you need to have patience and make regular efforts. This program helps to improve the skin in a month.

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