Volumetrics: volumetric weight loss system

This weight loss system is based on some features of the psychology of people seeking to lose weight. For many of them, it is quite difficult to switch immediately to small portions of food. Therefore, this system is based on leaving the previous volumes of food for the first time. This gives psychological support at the very beginning. Otherwise, this diet is low in calories.

Adhering to this principle of losing weight, you need to pay close attention to the volume of portions eaten. In particular, at the very beginning (the first few weeks of the diet), this indicator should not change. It is allowed to put food on the plate in the same volume. But at the same time, it should be less sweet and oily. The calculation is that the saturation process will be achieved due to the volume of food consumed. If we talk about specific numbers, then during the first week the daily diet should not exceed 1200 kcal, and in the next 2 and 3 weeks you can bring it up to 1700 kcal.

As for products, here it is required to distinguish them into several subgroups.

1. The first group includes those that are allowed to eat with virtually no restrictions. This includes unsweetened fruits, low-fat dairy products, non-starchy vegetables, and vegetable broths and soups.

2. Moderately allowed to eat sweet fruits, cereals, starchy vegetables, durum wheat pasta.

3. All other products should be excluded from your diet if possible or significantly limit their use. Of the drinks, it is better to stop at plain water, its amount should not be less than 8 glasses a day.

A month after the start of such a diet, you can proceed to the second stage. At this time, it is allowed to gradually limit the amount of food consumed. This causes the stomach to contract slightly, resulting in satiety after eating smaller amounts of food.

The main thing in this diet can be called the observance of the sequence and gradualness, which must be followed when reducing the volume of servings. In this case, the body will be able to find the balance point on its own, preventing the stomach from overflowing.

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