5 mistakes when masking dark circles

Many girls make the mistake of trying to cover up dark circles under their eyes. 

1. Do not prepare the skin. Before applying the concealer to the skin, it is necessary to clean and moisturize it, otherwise the product will quickly begin to roll down and the coverage will be uneven.  

2. Choose the wrong concealer. It is important to know that concealers differ in density, color and their functions. Before buying, be sure to test the tool.

3. Strongly brighten the skin. Using a very light concealer creates a blue effect under the eyes, which only emphasizes the problem.

4. Apply a lot of funds. A thick layer of concealer looks ugly and clogs into pores, which draws attention to the problem area.  

5. Leave other areas of the skin unmasked. When applying concealer under the eyes, many people forget about the upper eyelid and bridge of the nose, which negates all efforts.

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